
Pawfect Love

Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC; Boxer Cardiomyopathy)

PetPace can help improve the management of ARVC (Boxer cardiomyopathy) in dogs by monitoring vital signs and key indicators, including increased pulse rate, decreased HRV, elevated respiratory rate, changes in activity and posture routines, decreased Wellness score, and deviations from the Health Profile.

PetPace Health 2.0

What is ARVC (Boxer Cardiomyopathy)?

ARVC is a genetic heart disease specific to Boxer dogs, with similar symptoms reported in English Bulldogs and cats. Affected dogs experience intermittent episodes of irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia), leading to collapse, fainting, and even sudden death.

How does ARVC manifest in dogs?

Dogs with ARVC may exhibit symptoms such as intermittent episodes of irregular heart rhythm, leading to collapse, fainting, and sudden death.

Which dog breeds are more susceptible to ARVC?

ARVC is specific to Boxer dogs, although similar symptoms have been reported in English Bulldogs and cats.

How common are heart diseases in dogs, and what is their treatment approach?

More than 10% of pets have some form of heart disease. Treatment aims to slow down progression and maintain a high quality of life.

Can ARVC be congenital or acquired in dogs?

ARVC is a genetic heart disease, indicating a congenital predisposition specific to certain breeds.

How can PetPace technology assist in managing ARVC in dogs?

PetPace’s real-time monitoring aids in early detection by tracking increased pulse rate, decreased HRV, elevated respiratory rate, changes in activity and posture routines, decreased Wellness score, and deviations from the Health Profile, facilitating timely interventions and monitoring treatment efficacy.

What signs may PetPace reveal that indicate potential issues related to ARVC?

PetPace may detect signs such as increased pulse rate, decreased HRV, elevated respiratory rate, changes in activity and posture routines, decreased Wellness score, and deviations from the Health Profile, all of which could indicate potential issues related to ARVC.

How often should PetPace be used for dogs with ARVC?

Regular use of PetPace is recommended for continuous monitoring, offering a comprehensive view of a dog’s cardiovascular health and ensuring timely adjustments in the management plan for ARVC.

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