PetPace can help improve the outcome of flea allergies by identifying changes in vital signs, including pain score, posture changes, Wellness score, HRV, and sleep quality, enhancing overall care and well-being.

Why do dogs develop allergies, and what are some common triggers?
Dogs, like people, can develop allergies to various factors, including parasites (such as fleas), food, and environmental elements. Allergies are a leading cause of veterinary appointments, and management often requires lifelong treatment.
What is Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD), and why is it common in dogs?
Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) is the most common skin disease among dogs in the US. When fleas bite a host, their saliva can trigger an inflammatory response in sensitive animals, leading to FAD.
What are the symptoms of Flea Allergy Dermatitis in dogs?
Dogs with FAD may exhibit intense itchiness, rash, and skin lesions, especially around the lower back, tailhead, and thighs. Restlessness, discomfort, and excessive scratching, licking, rubbing, chewing, and nibbling at the skin are common. Secondary skin infections may also occur.
Are specific dog breeds more susceptible to Flea Allergy Dermatitis?
Dogs with other forms of allergies, like Atopy, are generally more susceptible to FAD.
How can the PetPace collar assist in managing Flea Allergy Dermatitis in dogs?
The PetPace system aids in monitoring chronic conditions, flare-ups, and treatment responses by observing changes in activity patterns, posture patterns, increased posture score, decreased sleep quality, decreased Wellness score, deviations from the Health Profile, and decreased HRV.