Lymphoma (LSA)

PetPace can help improve the management of Lymphoma (LSA) in dogs by identifying changes in vital signs, including Wellness score, deviations from the Health Profile, activity score, daily average pulse, daily average HRV, and temperature.

PetPace Health 2.0

What is Lymphoma?

Lymphoma is a common type of cancer, also called lymphosarcoma or LSA. It involves an overgrowth of lymphocytes. Other types affect specific organs or body areas.

What is cancer in dogs, and how common is it?

Dogs, like humans, can develop various types of cancer. Cancer involves uncontrolled cell growth, invasion of surrounding tissue, and potential spread to other areas of the body.

Approximately 1 in 4 dogs will develop cancer, especially in dogs over the age of 10.

What is Lymphoma, and how does it manifest in dogs?

Lymphoma, or lymphosarcoma (LSA), results from the overgrowth of lymphocytes, impacting organs like lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow. Dogs with LSA may exhibit symptoms such as enlarged, firm lymph nodes, weight loss, decreased appetite, and swelling in various body parts.

How is Lymphoma treated in dogs, and what is the goal of treatment?

Lymphoma, being a systemic disease, is typically treated with chemotherapy. The goal is to achieve remission while preserving the dog’s quality of life. Dogs often experience fewer side effects compared to humans undergoing chemotherapy.

Are there specific dog breeds more susceptible to Lymphoma?

Yes, some breeds have a higher likelihood, including Chow Chow, Basset Hound, Scottish Terrier, Airedale Terrier, and others.

How can PetPace technology assist in managing canine cancer?

PetPace Health 2.0 aids in early detection of illness and identifies treatment side effects by monitoring factors such as decreased Wellness score, deviations from the Health Profile, decreased activity score, increased daily average pulse, decreased daily average HRV, and elevated temperature.

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