CHICAGO – Experts from PetPace, the leading manufacturer of health monitoring smart collars for cats and dogs, are warning pet owners of the dangers that rising summer temperatures can have on their beloved pets and how the PetPace smart collar can help. According to Dr. Asaf Dagan, the chief veterinarian of PetPace, people should understand the unique physical limitations of their pets. Leaving pets outside for long periods of time, engaging them in strenuous physical activity, or leaving pets alone in a car can all be severely detrimental during hot days. smart collars can alert pet owners of the condition before it becomes fatal. PetPace’s smart collar performs similar to human health monitors like Garmin’s activity trackers and Apple Watch. The device is able to track vital signs like body temperature, pulse, respiration, and other measurements like activity levels, body posture, heart rate variability, and calorie expenditure. While PetPace is great for any dog or cat, the technology is especially useful for pets that are older, sick, or at an increased risk for developing disease. “Most pet owners are aware of the danger summer heat can have on the health of their dog, however, it can be challenging to quickly identify the development of conditions associated with heat stroke in pets,” said Dagan. “PetPace monitors your pet’s health continuously and can alert you at the first sign of a problem.” The normal body temperatures for dogs range between 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, while cat’s body temperatures average between 99.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Pet owners who do not utilize a health-monitoring device for their dog or cat should watch for:
Signs of heat stroke in dogs and cats include the following, but aren’t limited to:
- Frequent Vomiting
- Disorientation
- Collapse
- Excessive panting and/or distressed breathing
- Excessive thirst
- Increased heart rate
- Weakness and/or fatigue
- Thickened saliva
If your pet displays any of these signs, try to help cool them down by moving them to a cooler environment, provide fresh drinking water, and consult your veterinarian immediately. If professional veterinary care is not immediately available, you can also use fans and air conditioning, and place cool (not ice cold) water-soaked towels on the pet. Do NOT place the dog in an icy cold tub, as too rapid cooling may be detrimental. Lastly, according to Dagan, pet owners should always make sure their pets have access to plenty of water, especially during the summer heat, and limit long walks or strenuous activity to the cooler hours of the day.